ATTENTION : Maintenance operations on Thuesday 06 February from 07:00 to 09:00 (CET).
Panel Discussion
Due to the unusual organization modalities, SOHOMA 2020 committees introduced the possibility to organize a panel discussion, involving highly recognized researchers and industrial practitioners.
The panel discussion will be organized on October 1st, 2020, 13h 45 - 15h 00.
The topic that will be discussed is What are the upcoming models and structures of smart manufacturing control?
Presentation of the panelists
Ivan IORDANOFF. Ivan IORDANOFF. Is full Professor, PhD: Vice President for Research and Innovation Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology. Arts et Metiers Institute of Technology is a French University of technology devoted to the manufacturing industry. Located in heigh campuses through the French Territory, it has developed since 2005 a unique network in France, close to industry and especially SMe with the ability to bring together the best expertise through internal and partnership network to create innovation through research and education programs. With both experiences in Industry and University, Belonging to the Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology executive committee since 2013, Prof Iordanoff develops this strategy that places Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology as one of the leading French institution for the development of the Manufacturing Industry at the French and European level. He recently leads the working group of the French alliance for the Industry of the future on IA for industry and he is strongly involve in the digitalization strategic plan of Arts et métiers Institute of Technology with some industrial key partners as 3DS, ESI Group and Microsoft. He has published more than Fifty papers with high impact on numerical modelisation in Mechanical engineering.
Kary FRÄMLING Full professor at Aalto University. He is the Founder and Head of the team, formerly known as the DIALOG team (Distributed Information Architectures for collaborative LOGistics, old web pages ). They claim that the DIALOG software was the first Internet of Things (IoT) implementation worldwide in 2002 (being used in several multi-organization real-world applications), according to the current view and definition of IoT. DIALOG was described in the (to our best knowledge) first research articles that explicitly mention IoT worldwide in 2002. His main areas of professional interest are: Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Products, Internet of Things, Reinforcement Learning, Product Lifecycle Information Management / Closed-Loop Lifecycle Management (CL2M), Distributed programs, Neural Networks, Multi-Agent Systems. Some highlights on his achievements: First (or at least one of the first) academic articles mentioning the Internet of Things (IoT) concept (2002). IoT implementation enabling most current (2013) IoT systems with the DIALOG platform in 2001, used in industrial pilot systems in 2002 and 2003. Creation of generic IoT architecture and implementations in several domains (homes, appliances, vehicles, industrial services etc.) during the PROMISE EU FP6 project
Arnaud FORTIN is Managing Director of iFAKT France SAS, and offers support based on management and strategy consulting as well as integrated solutions for production optimization, particularly today in aeronautics and automotive. After graduating at ENSAM, he started a career as a consultant within a major management consulting firm. This first experience allowed him to build up solid expertise in the governance of major transformation projects, in telecoms and aeronautics sectors. Relying on this years, Arnaud gradually specialized in the optimization of processes, for industry and services strengthening his specialization by pasding his Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification in 2013. Today, Arnaud supports its clients on large, innovative and disruptive projects, based on Lean practices, and striving for ever more intelligence in the planning of activities and the management of resources. This added value is based on iFAKT modeling, simulation and load balancing solutions, aimed at "Predictive ERP", and contributes to next level of manufacturing better relying on production data: Smart Manufacturing.
Lars SCHUBERT After his time at the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA, the active Fraunhofer alumnus and mentor founded the software and consulting company iFAKT in 2001, which he still manages successfully today. Industry 4.0 software controls logistics, production and company processes and can make predictions with the help of artificial intelligence. Schubert is also co-leader and founder of the research and development specialist “Steinbeis Innovation Center New Technologies to Market”.
Bernard GRABOT is Full Professor in the National Engineering School of Tarbes, France (ENIT). His research activities are oriented on supply chain management, scheduling, competence management and decision support systems based on artificial intelligence tools. Pr Grabot is member of the IFAC working groups 3.2 “Computational Intelligence in Control” and 5.1 “Manufacturing Plant Control”, and of the IFIP working group 5.7 “Advances in Production Management Systems”. He has participated to several European projects (CRAFT, INTERREG, NOE etc.) and is past Editor in Chief of the IFAC journal "Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence" and is the Editor in Chief of "Computers in Industry". He also belongs to the editorial boards of “International Journal of Production Research” and “International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research”.