ATTENTION : Maintenance operations on Thuesday 06 February from 07:00 to 09:00 (CET).
Due to the sanitary conditions, 2020 edition of the workshop will be fully virtualized. Every presentations will be made live on the visioconference platform on its time slot. Each time slot is 15 minutes, including a maximum of 10 minutes of presentation and 5 minutes of questions.
In order to take into account the different time zones, the workshop will be organized on the only afternoons of 1st and 2nd of October 2020, as shown below.
French Time |
October 1st |
13h30 - 13h45 |
Opening session Access room |
13h45 - 15h00 |
Panel discussion: What are the upcoming models and structures of smart manufacturing control? |
15h00 - 15h 15 |
Coffee Break |
Channel MS Teams 1 Access room |
Channel MS Teams 2 Access room |
TS1 (Technical Session 1), October 1, 15h 15 – 17h 00 |
TS2, October 1, 15h 45 – 17h 00 |
15h15 - 15h30 |
SOHOMA 10th-year anniversary: A bibliometric analysis and leading trends. Jose-Fernando JIMENEZ, Olivier CARDIN, Damien TRENTESAUX, Eliana GONZALEZ-NEIRA, Jorge-Andres ALVARADO-VALENCIA, Gloria-Juliana ARIAS-PAREDES. |
Networking room |
15h30 - 15h45 |
15h45 - 16h00 |
Proposition of an enrichment for holon internal structure: introduction of model and KPI layers. |
Decision-Making in Future Industrial Systems: Is Ethics a New Performance Indicator? |
16h00 - 16h15 |
Holonic Architecture for a Table Grape Production Management System. |
Ethics of autonomous intelligent systems in the human society: cross views from science, law and science-fiction. |
16h15 - 16h30 |
Learning Distributed Control for Job Shops - A Comparative Simulation Study. |
Toward a Social Holonic Manufacturing Systems Architectures based on Industry 4.0 assets. |
16h30 - 16h45 |
Multi-agent approach for Smart Resilient City. |
Analysis of New Job Profiles for The Factory of the Future. |
16h45 - 17h00 |
A reactive approach for reducing the myopic and nervous behavior of manufacturing systems. |
Evaluation methods of ergonomics constraints in manufacturing operations for a sustainable job balancing in Industry 4.0. |
17h00 - 17h30 |
Coffee Break |
Channel MS Teams 1 Access room |
Channel MS Teams 2 Access room |
TS3, October 1, 17h 30 – 18h 45 |
TS4, October 1, 17h45 - 18h45 |
17h30 - 17h45 |
SOHOMA 10th-year anniversary: Cloud networked models of knowledge-based intelligent control towards Manufacturing as a Service. Theodor BORANGIU, Radu BABICEANU, Silviu RAILEANU, Octavian MORARIU, Florin ANTON, Cristina MORARIU. Chair: Pr. Damien TRENTESAUX |
Networking room |
17h45 - 18h00 |
Survey on a set of features for new urban warehouse management inspired of Industry 4.0 and the Physical Internet. Aurélie EDOUARD, Samir LAMOURI, Virginie FORTINEAU, Yves SALLEZ, Alexandre BERGER |
18h00 - 18h15 |
About the applicability of IoT concept for classical manufacturing systems. |
Multi-objective cross-docking in Physical Internet hubs under arrival time uncertainty. Tarik CHARGUI, Fatma ESSGHAIER, Abdelghani BEKRAR, Hamid ALLAOUI, Damien TRENTESAUX, Gilles GONCALVES |
18h15 - 18h30 |
Using cognitive technologies as cloud services for product quality control. A case study for greenhouse vegetables. |
A hybrid simulation model to analyse and assess industrial sustainability business models: the use of industrial symbiosis. Melissa DEMARTINI, Filippo BERTANI, Gianluca PASSANO, Flavio TONELLI |
18h30 - 18h45 |
An open-source machine vision framework for smart manufacturing control. |
A multi-agent model for the multi-plant multi-product Physical Internet supply chain network. |
October 2nd |
Channel MS Teams 1 Access room |
Channel MS Teams 2 Access room |
TS5, October 2, 13h 30 - 14h 45 |
TS6, October 2, 13H 30 - 15h 00 |
13h30 - 13h45 |
Networking room |
SOHOMA 10th-year anniversary: Past and future perspectives on Digital Twin research at SOHOMA. Karel KRUGER, Anro REDELINGHUYS, Anton BASSON, Olivier CARDIN. Chair: Pr. Paulo LEITÃO |
13h45 - 14h00 |
Simulation on RFID interactive tabletop of working conditions in industry 4.0. Nicolas VISPI, Yoann LEBRUN, Sophie LEPREUX, Sondes CHAABANE, Christophe KOLSKI |
14h00 - 14h15 |
Interfacing with Humans in Factories of the Future: Holonic Interface Services for Ambient Intelligence Environments. |
Toward digital twin for Cyber Physical Production Systems maintenance: Observation framework based on artificial intelligence techniques. |
14h15 - 14h30 |
Human-Machine Cooperation with Autonomous CPS in the context of Industry 4.0: a literature review. |
Decision Support based on Digital Twin Simulation: A Case Study. |
14h30 - 14h45 |
Multi-agent simulation of occupant behavior impact on building energy consumption. |
An Aggregated Digital Twin Solution for Human-Robot Collaboration in Industry 4.0 Environments. |
14h45 - 15h00 |
A benchmarking platform for Human-Machine cooperation in Cyber-Physical Manufacturing Systems. |
Digital twin data pipeline using MQTT in SLADTA. |
15h00 - 15h30 |
Coffee Break |
Channel MS Teams 1 Access room |
Channel MS Teams 2 Access room |
TS7, October 2, 15h 30 – 17h 00 |
TS8, October 2, 15h 45 - 17h 00 |
15h30 - 15h45 |
SOHOMA 10th-year anniversary: Intelligent Products through a SOHOMA prism. William DERIGENT, Duncan McFARLANE, Hind BRIL EL HAOUZI. |
Networking room |
15h45 - 16h00 |
Realization of an optimal production plans in a smart factory with On-line simulation. |
16h00 - 16h15 |
The concept of smart hydraulic press. |
Dynamic scheduling of robotic mildew treatment by UV-c in horticulture. |
16h15 - 16h30 |
Is Communicating Material an Intelligent Product instantiation? Application to the Construction Industry. |
Understanding data-related concepts in smart manufacturing and supply chain through text mining. Angie NGUYEN, Juan PABLO USUGA CADAVID, Samir LAMOURI, Bernard GRABOT, Robert PELLERIN, Arnaud FORTIN, David CARPENTIER |
16h30 - 16h45 |
Multi-Protocol Communication Tool for Virtualized Cyber Manufacturing Systems. |
Benchmarking Simulation Software Capabilities Against Distributed Control Requirements: FlexSim Vs AnyLogic. |
16h45 - 17h00 |
A proposal to model the monitoring architecture of a complex transportation system. |
Distributed Dynamic Measures of Criticality for Telecommunication Networks. |
17h00 - 17h15 |
Closing session - Acknowledgements (Local Organizing Committee) |