Program > Program at a glance

Due to the sanitary conditions, 2020 edition of the workshop will be fully virtualized. Every presentations will be made live on the visioconference platform on its time slot. Each time slot is 15 minutes, including a maximum of 10 minutes of presentation and 5 minutes of questions.

In order to take into account the different time zones, the workshop will be organized on the only afternoons of 1st and 2nd of October 2020, as shown below.

French Time

October 1st

13h30 - 13h45

Opening session

13h45 - 15h00

Panel discussion: What are the upcoming models and structures of smart manufacturing control?

15h00 - 15h 15

Coffee Break


Channel MS Teams 1

Channel MS Teams 2

15h15 - 17h00

TS1 (Technical Session 1), October 1, 15h 15 – 17h 00
Holonic & Multi-agent process control
Chair: Paulo Leitão
Co-Chair: Jose-Fernando Jimenez

TS2, October 1, 15h 45 – 17h 00
Ethics and social automation in Industry 4.0
Chair: Stamatis Karnouskos
Co-Chair: Damien Trentesaux

17h00 - 17h30

Coffee Break


Channel MS Teams 1

Channel MS Teams 2

17h30 - 18h45

TS3, October 1, 17h 30 – 18h 45
Cloud-based manufacturing control
Chair: Radu Babiceanu
Co-Chair: Florin Anton

TS4, October 2, 17h45 - 18h45
Physical Internet & logistics
Chair: Abdelghani Bekrar
Co-Chair: Samir Lamouri





October 2nd


Channel MS Teams 1

Channel MS Teams 2

13h30 - 15h00

TS5, October 2, 13h 30 - 14h 45
New organizations based on human factors integration in Industry 4.0
Chair: Sondes Chaabane
Co-Chair: Inês Marques

TS6, October 2, 13H 30 - 15h 00
Digital Twins in manufacturing and beyond
Chair: Karel Kruger
Co-Chair: Olivier Cardin

15h00 - 15h30

Coffee Break


Channel MS Teams 1

Channel MS Teams 2

15h30 - 17h00

TS7, October 2, 15h 30 - 17h 00
Intelligent products and smart processes
Chair: Duncan McFarlane
Co-Chair: William Derigent

TS8, October 2, 15h 45 - 17h 00
Optimal production and supply chain planning
Chair: Adriana Giret
Co-Chair: Maroua Nouiri

17h00 - 17h15

Closing session - Acknowledgements (Local Organizing Committee)
Sohoma 2021 announcement (Steering Committee)


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