ATTENTION : Maintenance operations on Thuesday 06 February from 07:00 to 09:00 (CET).
Situation Update Due to the current health situation related to COVID-19, the steering committee decided jointly with the local organising committee to adapt the hosting arrangements for the conference. Home
About the Workshop
SOHOMA’2020 will take place in Paris – France, at Arts et Métiers Paris Tech, 1-2 October 2020.
The Workshop's theme
“Manufacturing as a Service” or shortly MaaS stands for new models of service-oriented, knowledge-based smart manufacturing systems optimized and reality-aware, with high efficiency and low energy consumption that deliver value to customer and manufacturer via Big data analytics, Internet of Things communications, Machine learning and Digital twins embedded in Cyber-Physical System frameworks. From product design to after-sales services, MaaS relies on the servitization of manufacturing operations that can be integrated into different manufacturing cloud services such as Design as a Service (DaaS), Predict as a Service (PraaS) or Maintain as a service (MAaaS). This 10th SOHOMA edition is devoted to emerging Industry 4.0-based Smart Factories implemented through Cyber-Physical Systems with all the resources integrated, sharing information and coordinating their behaviours among each other, adapting to reality and organizing at runtime to optimize at different levels (planning, production, maintenance, energy consumption, etc). With the advances in the Industrial Internet of Things, Edge- and Fog Computing, the growing amount of data extracted from the shop floor motivates the research for new Information, Control and Communication technologies (IC2T) such as digital twin, big data analysis, cloud services and artificial intelligence, applied for agility, reality awareness, optimization, and a shift from diagnosis to prognosis in controlling the consumption and cost of energy in manufacturing. The scientific event will draw on research developed in the last years in the scientific community SOHOMA as well as from other sources. The main research lines are:
The application space for these new developments is very broad. SOHOMA’2020 will address all aspects of industrial systems management, such as:
The implementing space for these application classes includes the new digital transformation frameworks and technologies, as the one advocated by “Industry4.0” or “Industry of the future” concepts. Digital manufacturing represents the digitalization of supply, production (with planning) and delivery operations of a networked company, and uses intensively digital models and ontologies. Examples are not limited to these areas. Papers discussing new application areas and the resulting new developments at the interface of information technology and automation are especially welcome. All contributions must indicate alignment with the Workshop’s theme. The purpose of the SOHOMA’2020 international workshop is to shed light on the multiple issues above, associated with safe, smart and sustainable products, processes and industrial systems.
Workshop topics
The papers presented at the SOHOMA 2020 Workshop will cover the following topics:
Publication of Workshop papers
Publication of Workshop papersAll papers accepted for presentation will be included in the SOHOMA’20 conference Proceedings volume, ISI and DBLP Computer Science database indexed published in Springer book series “Studies in Computational Intelligence”. The Proceedings volumes of SOHOMA’11-SOHOMA’19 previous events, published in special issues of the Springer Book series “Studies in Computational Intelligence” have been included in Web of Science, Scopus, ISI Proceedings and the DBLP Computer Science Bibliography (University of Trier, Germany).